January 1970



Hammertoes can be very painful and cause a lot of unnecessary problem when walking and in shoes. Hammertoes are when the ball of the foot joint or the metatarsal phalangeal joint become hyperextended. The next joint, which is the large bump you see on the top of the toe, the proximal interphalangeal joint become hyperflexed,

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Ingrown Toenails

There are few things in this world that are more annoying than an ingrown toenail. You can’t touch it, put a shoe on, or even look at it without feeling sharp pain. Luckily they are easy to diagnose and treat! With a 30 min appointment (or less) you can say goodbye to your ingrown toenail

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Heel Pain

One of the most common issues our patients have is pain in the heel. Sometimes it hurts bad with your first step in the morning and then loosens up. Sometimes it starts hurting after an active day. Others will describe a “shooting” sensation when they walk and others a dull ache. Regardless of how it

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keyhole bunion

Keyhole Bunion

After Surgery Before Surgery Do you have a bunion? Have you heard the horror stories about getting a bunion fixed? Dr. Haynes has spent many long hours training from some of the best minimally invasive surgeons in the country. These techniques specialize in small keyhole incisions that typically don’t require any sutures. Dr. Haynes removes

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Benefits Of A Balance Brace

Benefits of a Balance Brace

Are you over 65 years old? Have you fallen in the past year? Do you have neuropathy? Do you have ankle instability or weakness? What about dizziness, history of stroke? Did you know that 3/10 seniors will fall this year? Or, that 50% of Seniors that fall will have another fall next year? Or, that

Benefits of a Balance Brace Read More »

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Portland, OR

Monday - Thursday: 9am – 5pm
Friday: Closed

Sandy, OR

Monday - Wednesday: 9am - 5pm

Tigard, OR

Tuesday & Friday: 9am – 5pm

Beaverton, OR

Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday: 9am – 5pm

Canby, OR

Thursday: 9am - 5pm

Lake Oswego, OR

Wednesday & Friday: 9am – 6pm

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